DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES READ THE FACTS HERE! Teresa Chambers was removed from office because she believed that the United States Park Police had a responsibility to provide law enforcement services to all those who use our National Parks. Now the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service is releasing information and giving comment to the press through authorized spokespersons and through a thin cloak of anonymous sources that twist the truth and outright lies at times. Don't believe these lies! Here is the truth: FALSE STATEMENT ONE: Teresa Chambers disregarded NAPA study recommendations and refused to implement the study suggestions. The fact is that during her tenure, 14 of the 20 recommendations from the NAPA study were adopted. The remaining six were either recommendations that were within the control of the National Park Service or the Department of Interior and not the United States Park Police to implement or were recommendations that the Department of the Interior decided not to implement. FALSE STATEMENT TWO: Teresa Chambers could not and would not provide adequate security to the "monuments and memorials." A recent release of an old Inspector General's report is being manipulated to attack Teresa Chambers for failing to address monument security concerns raised by an IG's audit. The fact is that the appropriate changes were made, security strengthened and improved, and concerns addressed (click here to read the Channel 9 coverage of this issue). The Inspector General himself admitted in a Washington Post story that the security issues had been corrected (click here to read the Washington Post coverage of this issue). The United States House of Representatives Democratic Whip, Steny Hoyer, calls for an investigation into the leaking of classified security information regarding the security of our national mall and monuments (click here to read Representative Hoyer's press release). FALSE STATEMENT THREE: Individuals who are cowardly hiding behind a cloak of "unnamed high level Department of Interior sources" are claiming that Teresa Chambers had no regard or desire to protect our national icons and monuments and was only concerned with "chasing drug dealers." The fact is Teresa Chambers cared incredibly about protecting our monuments and memorials, as evidenced by the supporting documentation of emails she sent to her commanders specifically addressing monument protection, the town meetings she held to address monument protection needs and concerns, and her calls for creative thinking in additional protection steps for our monuments and memorials. However, the fact is that Teresa Chambers also cared about providing law enforcement services to all parks and all who use the parks and parkways. To categorize other law enforcement duties as merely "chasing drug dealers" is an insult to those who actually do chase drug dealers in our parks and those like Ranger Kris Eggle who sacrificed his life to do just that. It is an insult to the memory of Officer Hakim Farthing who gave his life protecting the scene of a fatal traffic accident, one of the many increased traffic fatalities on the Baltimore Washington Parkway over the last two years. It is a discouraging comment to the residents of Washington DC who live adjacent to or use the many parks throughout the city that are now being plagued with an increase in crimes, including drug dealing. The fact is that Teresa Chambers believed that law enforcement and public safety is for all - not just for select individuals who visit certain high profile parks. But for believing that, Teresa Chambers is being fired. Keep reading to find out more. FALSE STATEMENT FOUR: Teresa Chambers violated personnel regulations when she hired three outsiders as part of her executive command staff. She refused to require the two incoming deputy chiefs to take psychological examinations. The fact is while Teresa Chambers made the final selection for the positions of Deputy Chief, the hiring process was administered by the National Park Service, not the United States Park Police. The hiring process was a vetted competitive process. Applicants competed and were rated by the National Park Service. Finalists were forwarded to Teresa Chambers for evaluation and selection. All associated personnel processes were guided by National Park Service human resource employees. A decision was initially made that the two incoming deputy chiefs would not be required to take the psychological examination, which is a requirement for "ENTRY LEVEL LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL." The National Park Service determined that executive command staff members were not entry level personnel and thus, the National Park Service determined that the two did not have to take the psychological exam. Additionally, the hiring of all outside members to the United States Park Police command staff was done under the guidance of and with the approval of Teresa Chambers' supervisor, Deputy Director Don Murphy. However, upon learning that the Office of Special Counsel was investigating the hiring of two outside persons for the position of Deputy Chief (a complaint initiated from personnel within the United States Park Police), a decision was made to require the two deputy chiefs to complete a psychological exam. In Chief Chambers rebuttal to her charges (click here to read her rebuttal), it is clear that she followed all directions that she was given regarding this. FALSE STATEMENT FIVE: National Park Service spokesperson David Barna was interviewed by regarding the fact that the 2005 budget for the United States Park Police fell far short of what Chief Chambers stated was needed. Mr. Barna stated that "There isn't any basis for her numbers," and that "They're not based on any kind of study, so they don't really represent anything to us." The fact is that Chief Chambers statements WERE based upon an extensive budget and staffing analysis that had been completed and submitted to her superiors several months earlier. Chief Chambers was extremely qualified to conduct such studies based upon the following training and experience: Graduation from the FBI National Academy which specializes in leadership training for law enforcement executives at the masters level. Significant training included a focus on budget and staffing analysis, resource deployment, etc. with many courses at a Masters Degree Level.
Internship with the Police Executive Research Forum. Hands-on experience in conducting strategic organizational studies of other police agencies with recommendations to streamline organizations, enhance agency efficiency through staffing and resource allocation, etc. Proven experience as a subject matter expert to PERF in conducting staffing studies and organizational studies of law enforcement agencies across the country.
NEW Channel 9 News Story Reveals the Facts About Monument Security Click Above 
Department of Interior Inspector General Acknowledges Monument Security Issues Were Corrected in Washington Post Article 
Congressman Hoyer Requests Investigation in Leaking of Interior Inspector General's Report - Questions if Leak is Part of Effort to Defame Chief Teresa Chambers 

Congressman Jim Moran Troubled by Release of Report 