| The following organizations have reached out to not just support Teresa Chambers in upholding honesty and integrity in the Federal Government, but also are firmly committed to ensuring the safety of of our Country's residents. We thank them for their support and hope that you will take the time to visit their sites by clicking on their name. We are also grateful for the tremendous support provided by the United States Park Police Fraternal Order of Police Labor Committee, who so quickly stepped up to the camera and microphone to defend Teresa Chambers! If your organization has endorsed or supported Teresa Chambers and is not listed here, please let us know by sending us a message. |
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Government Accountability Project
Project On Government Oversight National Park Service Ranger Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 60 DC Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1
Prince George's County Police Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #89
Greenbelt Police Department Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 32
Durham (NC) Police Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #2
Fraternal Order of Police, National Labor Council #2, PPO
National Fraternal Order of Police Grand Lodge
Police Chiefs Association of Prince George's County, Maryland, Inc. Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association International Association of Chiefs of Police Howard County Police Officers' Association National Latino Officers Association & Labor Council City of New York, Inc. District of Columbia Firefighters Association Local 36 Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B American Border Alliance The National Center for Women and Policing Feminist Majority Foundation Prince George's Hispanic Republican Club Government Accountability Project Adrian Fenty, D.C. Council (Ward 4) No Fear Coalition Federally Employed Women Legal and Education Fund Harvard Associates in Police Science, Inc. CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORTERSUS House of Representatives: Bob Etheridge, Steny Hoyer, Chris Van Hollen, Jim Moran, Eleanor Holmes Norton, David Price US Senate: Daniel Akaka, Jeff Bingaman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Mikulski, Paul Sarbanes CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Senator Akaka Letter to Secretary Norton Senator Mikulski Letter to Paul Hoffman Senator John Edwards Letter to Supporter Senator John Warner Letter to Supporter Congressman Price Letter to Mainella Congressman Price Letter to Secretary Norton Congressman Price Letter to Supporter Congresswoman Kelley Letter to Supporter Congressman Cummings Letter to DC FOP Congressman Gilchrest Letter to Supporter Mainella Response to Senator Mikulski Mainella Response to Senator Allen Mainella Response to Congressman Price READ THESE ORGANIZATIONS' STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT National Park Service Ranger FOP Grand Lodge - Fraternal Order of Police Greenbelt Police Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 32 International Association of Chiefs of Police
Police Chiefs' Association of Prince George's County, Maryland, Inc. Durham (NC) Police Department Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Government Accountability Project (GAP) National Center for Women and Policing Feminist Majority Foundation Prince George's Hispanic Republican Club Adrian Fenty, D.C. Council (Ward 4) District of Columbia Firefighters Association, Local 36 Harvard Associates in Police Science, Inc. |