New U.S. Park Police Chief Named
March 28, 2005 – Just days before their response
is due to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Department of the
Interior and National Park Service have named a new chief of the United States
Park Police. In naming a person to fill this position, leadership at the
Department of the Interior and the National Park Service have once again snubbed
the MSPB, whose members are currently reviewing Chief Chambers’ case. This is
the second time the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service
have taken a significant personnel action without giving the MSPB an opportunity
to act. In July of 2004, within four hours of Chief Chambers’ legal team filing
a detailed Motion with the MSPB to “stay” the proposed discipline against her,
the Department of the Interior notified Chief Chambers that her termination
would be effective the next day. Now, with its response due to the MSPB on April
1, 2005, regarding Chief Chambers’ Petition for Review, the Department of the
Interior has ignored the authority of the Board to remedy this matter and has,
instead, filled the position once held by Chief Chambers.

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