Former Head of the Office of Special Counsel Steps Forward on Chief Chambers’ Behalf January 31, 2005 - On behalf of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), former U.S. Special Counsel Elaine Kaplan, and NTEU General Counsel Gregory O’Duden, filed a hard-hitting, common sense amicus brief in support of Chief Chambers with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Elaine Kaplan was sworn in on May 8, 1998, to serve a five-year term as Special Counsel of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Ms. Kaplan was nominated for the position of Special Counsel by President Clinton in November 1997 and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate in April 1998. She served in that capacity until 2003. As Special Counsel, Ms. Kaplan led the United States Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal agency whose basic mission is to protect federal employees and job applicants from prohibited personnel practices, especially reprisal for whistleblowing. Prior to her appointment as Special Counsel, Ms. Kaplan served as Deputy General Counsel of the NTEU, where she represented the interests of 150,000 employees in the areas of civil liberties, administrative law, racial and sexual discrimination, and labor law. She currently serves as the Senior Deputy General Counsel of the NTEU. It is in that capacity that she joined General Counsel O’Duden in their brief to the MSPB in Chief Chambers’ case.
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