As a 28-year veteran of law enforcement and as the Chief of the United States Park Police, Teresa Chambers was responsible for the safety and security of some of America’s most valued and recognizable symbols of freedom – including, but not limited to, such notable sites as the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge area, and the area surrounding the White House itself. She was also responsible, as are chiefs of police across the country – especially in a post 9-11-2001 era – to provide her professional opinion regarding the needs of her organization and to respond truthfully when asked about non-classified information regarding matters affecting your safety as a visitor to these and other National Park locations.
For her ethics and integrity, on December 5, 2003, Chief Chambers was stripped of her gun and badge by Department of the Interior officials. She was given no reason for these actions. One week later, Department of the Interior officials agreed not to pursue administrative charges in exchange for Chief Chambers agreeing to greatly diminish her authority as chief of police. The following week, in response to Chief Chambers’ and her attorneys’ declination of this proposal, the Department of the Interior proposed her termination. Chief Chambers remained on administrative leave for seven months until she was terminated in July of 2004.
Two of the six administrative charges against Chief Chambers were dismissed by an administrative judge of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) in October 2004. Chief Chambers filed a Petition for Review with the full MSPB in December 2004 and still awaits their response as to the remaining administrative charges and the termination. If the MSPB does not overturn the case, Chief Chambers and her legal team will appeal the case in Federal Court.
This website was established without Chief Chambers’ involvement within weeks of the initial actions taken against her. It serves as a source of information and a repository of documents, news articles, interviews, depositions, comments from supporters, and related information so that you can determine what has occurred in this case. Our First Amendment rights as Americans and our valid expectation that federal government employees will “risk” speaking up when matters of our safety are involved are at stake in this case. Please spend some time on and return often to see how this case progresses. Statement of Administrative Charges Issued to Teresa Chambers by the National Park Service Chief Chambers' Response to These Administrative Charges Chief Chambers' Hostile Work Environment Complaint Filed Three Hours Before the Gag Order Amicus Brief Filed By Government Accountability Project Read the Timeline of Events Gag orders issued to Chief Chambers Are Illegal - Park Police Chief Asks U.S. Special Counsel to Intervene NPS Offered to Drop All Administrative Charges Against Teresa Chambers US Park Ranger FOP Calls For Don Murphy's Termination 2005 USPP Budget Insufficient - NPS Denies Knowledge of Teresa Chambers' Comprehensive Budget and Staffing Analysis Federal Times Article Calls for Reinstatement of Chief Chambers Teresa Chambers to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Center for Women and Policing for her outstanding leadership over a 28 year period and highlighting her tenure has Chief of the United States Park Police Office of Special Counsel Accepts Chief Chambers' Case National Park Service Admits Reduced Police Service Coverage During Raised Homeland Security Alerts Teresa Chambers Attends Congressional Hearing on NPS Travel Spending Congressman Jim Moran Expresses Concern Over Teresa Chambers' Status Senator Tom Daschle References Teresa Chambers' Case During Speech on Senate Floor Organizations Decry NPS Service Cuts - Reveal Attempts to Mislead Public with New Terminology Walter Cronkite, the "Most Trusted Newsman in America," References Teresa Chambers' Case in Article About Bush Administration's Pattern of Lies and Secrecy Bob Schieffer's Comments from CBS Show "Face the Nation" Director Mainella Disregards DOI Policy by Not Referring Chief Chambers' Complaint Against Deputy Director Murphy to the Inspector General Chief Chambers Receives Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award DOI Denies Gag Order Was Placed on Chambers PEER Response to DOI Denial of Gag Order Letter from Chambers' Attorney Regarding Gag Order DOI Canned Response Leaves More Questions Than Answers Supporter Responds to Canned DOI Letter Regarding Chief Chambers Office of Special Counsel Intervenes in Chief Chambers' Case Message From Teresa Chambers Thanking Supporters If you would like to respond or react to what you have read
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